
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yet again...

...I find that it is very tricky to have a weekend off! I guess it's kind of like planning a wedding and then having to plan on another person executing all your plans on the day of. As a "coordinator" you are a wealth of knowledge that no one else is in the loop on-unless you prepare them. It can be difficult, but it is also something I am getting better at. The best I can do is communicate what I know in the simplest terms possible. Maybe it's that I am a control freak, or maybe it's that I don't want to lose my job. O.K., maybe I am being dramatic again, but it's a valid fear when all goes to the crapper when you're not there...especially when it's happened before.

Thankfully I have great volunteers who are more than capable to step in, up, and get all over it! They see the need, and are getting better each week at being proactive versus reactive. Shoot, I am trying to get better about that too.

All that to say, I have this weekend off with no plans. This is weird...I am not quite sure what to do with myself. This is not normal for me. Let's hope I don't freeze in the freedom like a caged bird.

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