
Saturday, October 3, 2009

2 Epiphanies, 1 Day

I recently learned a few things about life. One was more of a shocker than the other, but here goes...

1. Preparing to take time off from work takes just as much time as the time you would actually put in during that time off. I know, I know, I have heard this all my life, but only recently did that statement come to resonate with me.

A few months ago I scheduled to take one weekday off of work and one Saturday service, which accumulates to about 12 hours of work-a day and a half. Easier said than done. In general preparing to take a weekend day off can be quite stressful, especially when something "special" is going on at church. You just never know what will effect your numbers, and you definitely can never prepare enough for the volunteers who will inevitably not show up. So that, coupled with the kick-off of our newly structured mid-week program created for an interesting, be it, busy week...with a few in-office tears. Man, I have got to cut back on those!

After a grueling (OK, maybe an over-exaggeration) 12 hour long day on Tuesday I am supposed to, and usually do, enjoy my 1/2 day Wednesday where I leave by 1 or 2pm. This Wednesday was not so joyous. I got through the meetings, through the e-mails, through the in-office tasks to be done, only to rush to San Diego to jump back on the computer to complete a mess of e-mails, finish the activity for a lesson, send out the all-important volunteer e-mail, change my voicemail to say I will be out of the office, turn on my out-of-office reply on my e-mail and who knows what else. Finally come 12am and it's time for bed. Phew. Oh, and this was after staying up Tuesday night "post-work" to label and stuff 250 parent letters. I love my job, I love my job.

Long story short, I made it to vacation, with most if not all my ducks in a row. Maybe a slightly angled row, but a row nonetheless. And as far as I know thus far, none of my ducks have been shot.

2. Just because as a child you dealt with a lot of unnecessary, difficult crap, that does not necessarily mean you are ahead of the game as an adult; you're 20's are your 20's no matter your family, your race, gender, religion, location, or your upbringing.

20's are difficult. I am more confident and opinionated in some areas while totally confused in others. I am too responsible yet not responsible enough. I am living the life while stressing through most of it. I, I,'s all about me. Is that what your 20's are for?

Just because my dad this or my mom that, just because I moved here, there, and everywhere, just because I did not have this or get to celebrate that, I am not better off than anyone else. I have struggles like everyone else. Some of them look the same, others more unique.

I guess these new realities prove that I am an adult and that I am growing up. These are the growing pains that hurt. These are the pains I'd do O.K. without. If only it were a it?

P.S. Did you know the term "epiphany" actually refers to Christ's revelation to the Gentiles by the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12)? It also refers to the Christian celebration of this event which is celebrated on January 6th.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Ali! This is why I'm scared to take a vacation. It's just easier to work 6 days a week. :)
