
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

maybe I forgot

...or maybe I simply blocked it out, but I was just reminded of how it feels to
plan VBS. Until now it felt like any other event in the not so far future. Until now it felt doable. Round two-totally easier, right? Maybe, but it's not that easy. I've had enough other things going on in the last few weeks/months to the point where this was the last thing on my mind. I knew the time would come when it would come to rule my life again, if only for three month. Yikes! Three months? Really? So far and yet so near. So long and yet not long enough out. I'm determined to enjoy the process. To appreciate volunteers who are gung ho and ready to go. I'm determined to continue liking my job, if only for this time in life. Will this ever be something I am actaully "good" at or will God continue to use this as a growing opportunity? I thought I already told him I'd grown enough but perhaps I wasn't clear. Or perhaps he didn't really care.

Dear VBS,
You may try to take over my life. You may actually succeed at it for a time. But I want you to know that you can't consume me; I won't let you. I am not working hard at you for the sake of your name or glory. Nor am I working hard at you for the sake of our church's namesake-or even my own. I am working hard at you for the sake of the Kingdom, for Christ's namesake. He is bigger than you. Although I may look like a failure, He loves me nonetheless. Despite my flaws, lack of experience, and faithlessness, he will work in and through me. Afterall, isn't that what I am here for?


Alli$on (because yes, I still think I am funny and will continue finding the humor in life despite the craziness that consumes it)

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