
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


One of the unique opportunities I've had in the last few weeks, closer to months at this point, is taking part of a discipleship/small group class as part of the staff of my church (and employer). While I recognize the rarity of having an opportunity of this sort at my place of work, I can't say I was excited to partake in this class. I think annoyed would be the more appropriate word.

Since its start we have shared plenty of awkward moments with each other. Followed by awkward conversation. And a few more awkward moments. On the flip side, it has been fun getting to know the unique quirks and gifts of each person. We are a group that spans many ages, experiences, life stages, and careers. With that comes many unique perspectives and thoughts on life, faith, and career. Which were the very topics of today's conversation. Which brings me to...

Calling. Calling, career, passion, gifts. How much do they relate to each other? Are they the same? Are they different? How do they effect each other?

A lot of opinions were thrown around, but here is mine, from my own experience.

I struggle to say I am called to my job, because I don't know if it is what I want to do forever. I can say that I am called to certain parts of my job. For example: kids. I am passionate about kids and the opportunity to develop their spiritual lives, even if I don't see the fruit of that labor. With that in mind I don't think my job is the only way for me to make a dent in the Kingdom of God (please don't take that as minimally as it sounds). I am, however, confident that I am exactly where God wants me to be for this time in my life. So maybe that means I am called to my job. I guess the difference for me is that I don't think that is ALL I am called to.

Each of us has different Spiritual Gifts that can be utilized in a plethora of ways. I have gifts from God that I don't get to use in my job that I, fortunately, utilize outside of my "career". Utilizing my other gifts, those outside of the work field, enables me to stay committed to my job. Why? Because I know that my gifts don't stop being used at 5pm, Mon-Thurdsay + weekends. I use many of my gifts at work, and the others in the world I live in every day...away from work. With that in mind, although I may be called to my job, I am not called ONLY to my job. I am called to life. To bringing glory to the Kingdom of God with whatever gifts or means possible. Does God care less about what I am doing than how and why I am doing it? I think so. I don't know how hung up he is on our trade. I think he is hung up on how my life glorifies him. So maybe I'm called to my job, maybe not. Either way, it's easier for me to focus on bettering the Kingdom in ALL I do than focus on solely what I am doing. It's about being, not just doing.

What's your focus? Are you Mary or Martha?

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