
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

health, joy, peace

I realized I haven't mentioned much about food lately. Seeing that this blog was at least partially created out of my relatively new GFDF lifestyle, I figure I should at least mention it once and a while.

Here is the scoop: I've been feeling really good lately-like, really good. I try not to let the fear of what pain lurks around the corner paralyze me, but I really don't ever know when it's coming. That will be a continuous battle I think.

One difference I have made that seems to be contributing to this pain-free lifestyle is that I stopped taking fiber and vitamins. I have always been a huge proponent of getting nutrients from their original source and not depending on supplements to do the trick (although I highly debate whether there is much supplementing going on). Long story short, I ran out of multiple vitamins I was taking daily and didn't have time to replace them. By default supplemental fiber was cut from my diet. While I thought this might wreck my insides, it seemed to do just the opposite. Maybe there really is something to this...

In other news, I've actually been exercising. I've been extremely regularly with my routine since October and I think it's starting to pay off. I am beginning to notice changes in the muscle tone of my body. I feel stronger (never really knew that feeling before), and I feel like I could keep going. I bumped up my routine in the last month or so, and that seems to really be doing the trick. I'm not sure if I weigh much less, but I genuinely feel really good inside. It's a good feeling. A very good feeling.

So here is to 2010! A year of health, joy, and peace!

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