
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Best WeekEND Ever!

Finally! I had a real weekend! Even better, a 4-day weekend :)

"Real" weekends do not happen often in my kind of work. If I am lucky I have Saturday off to pretend like I am a normal person, but most work weeks are 6 days+. Because I baby-sit every Friday I kind of do it to myself, but baby-sitting is something hands on that I am good at, comes naturally, and pays well. It is a good way to not worry about the things of everyday life and focus on someone else for a change of pace.


Anyways, this weekend I was blessed to be in my first college roommate's wedding. I say "blessed" not because it was a wedding or because it is what I should say but because it was an honor to be asked and it turned into a HUGE reprieve for me that I was not expecting. Sure it was busy leading up to the weekend right when we were hit with the rehearsal dinner, pampering, errands, and people, people, people! However, it was incredibly refreshing to be with new people. There was no real agenda. I am SO thankful I set as much time aside as I did. It allowed me to focus on nothing more than the wedding, the bride, the friends, and everything going on with it. There was no stress involved, just being supportive and easy going.
For the first time in a long time I felt 22 in a good way. I felt young this weekend. I felt like I experienced life the way most of my peers do. We pampered ourselves by getting our nails and hair done. Hung out at the bride & groom's place with the wedding party. Stayed in a hotel the night before drinking champagne, eating Mexican, and playing catch phrase. Went to breakfast, salon, then wedding!

I loved getting to spend this special time with the bride and other friends from college. Everyone was fun and easy going-a breath of fresh air. We ate, we danced, and then I even went out afterwards! This is not something I do regularly, usually due to my schedule and/or mental/emotional burnout. But not this weekend!
And good news! I could eat at the wedding without asking for special requests! For this reason alone I am a huge fan of buffet receptions and good, clean food. For once the food I could eat outnumbered what I couldn't! Chicken, baked apple, red potatoes, grilled veggies...delicious. I might even repeat this meal at my own wedding...whenever that day comes.
Despite all the fun we had together, one of the most memorable moments was getting to pray with the bride before the wedding. I knew it could be perceived by some as cheesy. Even I debated whether or not to do it. But then the moment presented itself and I took the opportunity. The bride and groom do not practice any particular religion regularly although I think they were both raised in such families. But, given the basis of my friendship with the bride, I felt it was appropriate and needed. With all the stress, all the anxiety, excitement, nerves, and the fact that a wedding is a HUGE life marker, what better way to enter marriage than by inviting God into that relationship? This just happened to be an opportune moment I do not think I would have had otherwise. I do not think I have actually ever prayed with her before. I just had this overwhelming sense that this was something only I would consider doing with her in that moment. Only I could play that role in her life on that day, in that moment. I am so glad I took the time to stop for that brief moment.


Woke up at 9:30am! A HUGE feat in my book, thanks in part to covering my paper-thin blinds with a dark colored sheet. Breakfast, laying on the couch catching up on SNL and Real Housewives, followed by an 8 mile walk. Wait, what?? 8 miles you ask? Yes, 2.5 hours (3 if you count the stop at Roger's Garden for a breather) and 8 miles later I ended up back at home. I guess I just didn't realize how far of a walk it would be since it is such a simple and direct path to getting there (Roger's Garden). I do not know what inspired me or where I got the energy, but it was a beautiful day and a great way to spend the afternoon!


I got an iPhone! Sure, I did not have a phone for 3-4 days (and lost all my numbers AGAIN), but I have the iPhone I have wanted for the past year! Now to collect all those numbers again...


No work for me! I am taking preventative comp time for all the events, etc. that we have going on, so Monday is the final extension of my weekend. I have no real intentions other than making a return (sad day), and going to a finance class at night (ugh). Other than that the day is mine!


1 comment:

  1. Eatting at that event must have been challenging. Interesting blog topic.

    But you still had fun it sound like.
