
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

follow me #2

I should be fired for my lack of blogging. Crap, I hate when people talk about their blogging habits within their blog. As you know, I enjoy writing. What you may not know is that in attempt to write the best, most perfect, fabulous, award winning blogs, I am often paralyzed by the thought of failure. So instead, I read other people's blogs.

In attempt to break that habit, I'm just going to write. Remember when I rambled like only a girl can do? Well, here you go again. A briefing into my spaghetti thoughts.

Topic: The VMA's

I love the VMA's. Have I ever told you that? I know you know I am slightly obsessed with all things black, with all things pop culture, with all things f-a-b-o-l-o-u-s. Speaking of which, it's unfortunate that Chris Brown got the bad end of the deal. Yes, he's a wife/girlfriend/woman beater, but you can't help but feel a little bad for the guy, right? He was like, 20 at the time. Not a great excuse, but who's to say I wouldn't go CRaAZYy if I became famous? Have you seeeen Lady Gaga lately? A meat dress? Come on woman. I might prefer being a vegetarian to doing that, and that is an unfortunate life to live. My life, on the other hand, is quite fortunate. I'm loving it. Loving life, and loving friends, experiences, work, my 20's. All of the above. Love it. What don't I love? I'm sure something. Ya, rather not dwell on that. I know OTHER people don't love life. I wish they would. It would sure make things better for the rest of us. If only people thought outside the box, outside of themselves. Have you seen that new show, "World of Jenks"? Seems like a good guy. I think this will for sure be a good one. Although it may have brought up some feelings of inadequacy regarding one of my many complexes in life (that I'm secretly retarded and my family [or someone] pays my "roommate"/caretaker to be my friend and watch over me while I go to "work" and learn life skills). Oh well, even if I am, all the more power to me. Why do girls have complexes? Is it a girl thing or just a "me" thing? Maybe it's a "I think too much and read into too much" thing. At least I'm able to find joy as I read between the lines. The Bible is a great place to do that too. Like when Jesus gets all pissed at people selling stuff in the temple. What does he do? His first instinct is not to yell, hit, punch, or throw a temper tantrum. Instead he braids a whip. First of all, who taught Jesus how to braid? And second, that's pretty freakin' intense to whip someone! He was clearly P.O.'d. Back to the braiding though...can't you just imagine Jesus chillin' in his jammies and dirty feet with Mary as she teaches him to braid just before bed time? I mean, clearly he needed to figure out what to do with those dreads of his so they wouldn't get all knotted up. Did he braid other people's hair? His disciples? Is that what they really did after they broke bread in the upper room? I can imagine it now: Jesus and the disciples laying on their big comfy couches having a sleep over with his BFF's, eatin' some leavened bread, sippin' on some purple drank, braiding each others' hair. OK, maybe it was just wine, but I couldn't help the pop-culture reference. See? Gotta love pop culture. It's like a full circle. And here I am, back at the beginning.

Did you follow?


  1. The first part could have been me writing!! I do the same thing with my blog, you Morris' are rubbing off on me and I need to be perfect!! Or maybe I have always been that way, and thats why Daniel married me....boy we do ramble! Love you and love this!

  2. Oh, and you know, I've read before that Jesus could have been kindof an asian-african-american mix. So maybe he learned to braid by braiding his own hair.

    You're welcome.
