
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i have this problem

I have this problem where I think about things too much, I feel too much, I think some more, I get overwhelmed, I panic a little, think about it some more, freak, then make a decision. By no means do I love that I do this, it's just something I've always done. The trouble is, no matter how much I hate that I do it, it always seems to work. My best decisions are made over the course of some serious T-I-M-E. I do it with freakin' everything. Even you had to sit with me as I debated over Facebook. Facebook people, FB! What's so stressful about that?

Speaking of which, in case you haven't seen for yourself, I kept FB. Rather, I'm keeping FB. I realized a few things about it:

1. I don't like how OTHER people treat FB.
2. I don't want to turn into above mentioned people.

I used to think that if the only place I talked to a person was through FB, then they can't really be a "close" friend. While I think that remains true to some extent, I also realize that life and distance can and does get in the way of true friendships and familial ties. Because that is unacceptable, I have chosen to keep FB. It means more to other people than it does to me. And what can I say? I'm a people pleaser.

In other news, I still don't know what to "theme" this darn blog. Instead I will continue to blog what I want, when I want, hopefully more often than not. Did you notice my absence? I know you did. Well, I must admit it has everything to do with my opening statement regarding my obsession with thinking. Maybe somewhere not-so-deep-down I thought that if I gave myself an ultimatum, if I told myself I couldn't write another blog until it revealed my new blog theme, then I would come up with some fabulous idea, propose it to "Real Simple" and be the next "Julie & Julia". Unfortunately that's not how it works. So here I am, continuing to blog simply what comes to mind for whoever even read this darn blog. Wait, I just lied. I don't really write this for you. I write this because I write. That's what I do, it's how I process all those thoughts I otherwise become overwhelmed by. I like making you laugh, but really only because it made me laugh first. Welcome to my world. Welcome to the jungle.

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