
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

there was a spider in my bed tonight

I must admit, although you already know, that I have totally slacked at blogging in the last few weeks. I have had numerous "blog thoughts", but as much as I wish I could remember every one of those thoughts, I must admit it's a talent I have yet to learn.

I'm currently in the midst of VBS. I hate to be the Children's MInistry person who makes a bigger deal of it than necessary, but it really is a draining time of year. It takes a special breed of people to make VBS happen, and for that reason alone I am beyond grateful for the volunteers I have on my team this year. I'd say it couldn't be done without them, but I know that's not necessarily true because I am pretty sure that's exactly what happened last year; the "Ali Show" as I like to call it. Honestly the thought of the S*** that hit the fan last year makes me well up with tears.

But on to other things...OK, that's all I got. My mind is a bit consumed with VBS right now. I'll keep you posted if I have any witty, smart things to share with you. I always do--it's just a matter of me writing them down.

Sorry to bore you with my life. I prefer topical blogs than talking about myself. But this will have to do for now.

P.S. No, the title had nothing to do with the blog. Just thought I would share that fact with you.

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