
Monday, June 28, 2010

the numbers game

Generally speaking I am not a big fan of the "numbers" game that often gets played in so-called mega churches. I don't love when numbers are spouted off after a major church event, or even the smaller ones. I hate comparing the number of kids that attended an event this year to last like I hate dwelling on that dumb number on the scale each fateful time I walk into the doctor's office (I've learned to avoid my own scale---pretty sure it's buried in some black hole in my bathroom, never again to see the light of day). However, this week I have been reminded why numbers matter.

Last year I attended a conference where a very well known pastor and author made a bold statement when asked about the "numbers" he so often rattles off and celebrates. He is pastor to a big church. And by "big" I mean BIG (think Biggie, not Tupac size). He is what you or I might call a "big shot". You either love him or hate him but and this particular interview I was at least learning to appreciate him. When asked about the numbers game his response was this:

"Numbers matter because each number represents a person, and each person represents life change."

To that I can agree. No more can I agree to it than this week when I saw 2,024 kids walk on to my church's campus with some 750+ volunteers in tow. I'm already beginning to hear stories about life change, and it's only day one. Through weeks like this you see the lives of kids change through the volunteers who are being challenged as leaders and spiritual "guides" (we literally call them guides) and the work God does through them. When 750+ volunteers step up to serve the Kingdom, life change happens. Kids learn to serve. They learn about Jesus. Friendships are formed and relationships are built. Each one of those 2,024 kids is a life that matters, a life that can elicit change in their own family and community. Each one of those lives matter, and I can give you the names of 750+ volunteers who would agree with me.

Thanks for letting me be a little cheesy today. You know I'm always good for some sarcasm, so I'm sure I'll get back to that soon enough. For now, xxxo GIGA (God Is Always Good--HA!) Ok, sorry I just wrote that out....might regret that later.

1 comment:

  1. I miss Mariners. Enjoy it! That kind of thing that happens in every church! Love your guts!
